Procast Guss

Together we are casting the future

about us

With passion for perfection and best products

Procast Guss is your reliable supplier for cast iron components made of GJL, GJS, Ni-Resist, Ni-Hard, ADI or SiMo with a complete value chain. Procast supports you in component development and is at your side as a supplier of raw castings or ready-to-install cast components.


Cast products - Made in Germany.
With a production capacity of 89,000 t of cast products, we produce unit weights of up to 350 kg in machine molding - and up to 55 t in hand molding.

Rapid prototyping

Does it have to be quick? In the shortest possible time we produce your fully functional prototypes and support you with functional design.


With extensive knowledge of materials, their properties and their special features, we support customers in the selection of suitable materials and in questions of material substitution.


By combining manufacturing and processing, we ensure that all end products meet our requirements for highest quality and durability.

Get to know more about us!

casting expert since 1982

 We can look back on a long tradition as a customer foundry and are today one of the leading casting companies in Europe.
We know: Only satisfied customers come back.

the company

With our five foundries, our own model making, mechanical processing and a wide range of materials, we can realize almost any customer requirement. Our service covers the entire chain from design support to the delivery of machined and, if necessary, painted components.


Jetzt bei uns durchstarten!

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Duales Studium




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Procast Gruppe wächst erstmals europäisch

Hamburg, 10. Juli 2023. Die Gießereigruppe Procast mit Hauptsitz in Gütersloh weitet ihren Wachstumskurs auf Europa aus. Der Procast-Gesellschafter, das deutsche InvestmentUnternehmen Private Assets AG, hat heute einen Kaufvertrag zum Erwerb der spanischen Gießerei „Fundiciones Garbi, S.A.“ unterzeichnet. Die Private Assets AG integriert den Geschäftsbetrieb von Fundiciones Garbi vollständig in die „Procast“. Die neu akquirierte Gießerei wird künftig als „Procast Guss Espana S.L.“ firmieren.

July 10, 2023



Moulding line
1250 x 1000 x 620

Casting weights
50 - 350kg


Moulding line
800 x 650 x 500

Casting weights
5 - 100kg


Moulding line
1.450 x 950 x 600 oder 800mm

Casting weights up to 900 kg
Handformerei 1 to bis 55 to

Bad sAulgau

Moulding line
760 x 440 x 300

Casting weights
1 - 15kg

Abadiño /

Moulding line
960 x 850 x (350 + 350)
760 x 615 x (260 + 300)

Casting weights
10 – 300kg